Combining residents between readers and linguists


  • Dr. Omar bin Ali Al-Magwashi Department Arabic Language and Literature – Faculty Arts King Saud University


Basra linguist-Kufa linguists, reading scholars, the phenomenon of residents meeting, getting rid of residents meeting


The phenomenon of the convergence of residents in Arabic is of great importance. Some linguists have collected its issues in a separate chapter, and others have differentiated their issues in their books. The dominant feature of linguists’ work on this issue is the lack of induction. As the readings were not what they adopted to set their rules, and if the older ones were excused, then there is no excuse for the later ones. Because the readings have been collected, and the research has dealt with this phenomenon, presenting the opinions of linguists and readers regarding the issues presented by the residents’ meeting.

In the first section of the research, the ruling on consonant meeting of the two groups was presented, as they agreed on the permissibility of consonant meeting if they came across a word before the end of which was a consonant, towards: this is Bakr, as well as if the word had a weak letter before it a vowel preceded by a slit, towards: Saed, and Khweisah, They differed in the rest of the cases of the residents meeting, and the hadith was simplified in the issues of the meeting of the residents without the limit of the visuals.

In the second section, I presented their disposal from the congregation of the occupants by moving as much as possible, and the principle is to get rid of by breaking, towards: who is the man?, and they may get rid of by conquest or annexation for a reason, and they may get rid of by deletion, towards: say good. The research concluded with results, including the separation of readers from their grammatical doctrines if the reading contradicts their doctrines; Because reading is a Sunnah, unlike linguists who return what contradicts their measurements, or interpret it.




