Hasheyat Al-Khatta'i (901 AH) on Mukhtasar Al-Taftazani (791 AH): Verification and commentary


  • Dr. Abdulkhaliq Mohammed El Sayyed El-Telb Department of Rhetoric, Criticism and Methodology of Islamic Literature - College of Arabic Language Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University


This paper focuses on reviving one of the old sources of rhetoric that is published for the first time as a verified and edited work. It is some marginalia on Mukhtasar Al-Taftazani by Scholar Ahmed Ibn Othman Ibn Abdullah Al-Khatta'i, one of the eminent figures of rhetoric in late ninth century A.H. (14th c. AD).


These marginalia is of a high scholarly value; and it adds a valuable book to the Arabic library of rhetoric; as its sources vary from figurative, linguistic, grammatical, interpretive, to theological sources. It includes explanations, illustrations, discussions, refutations, remarks, reconciliation of views and problem solving. The marginalia itself is a source for many subsequent marginalias and annotations, let alone being the seminal work on Mukhtasar Al-Taftazani and an authentic source of rhetoric principles.

This paper is intended to help in reviving the heritage of our ancestors, while enriching the rhetorical field with that marginalia of high scientific value. The paper consists of a foreword that includes information about Al-Khata'I, his name, title, surname, characteristics, books, life and death. Then a description of the marginalia is provided, including title, attribution to the author, its scientific value, the author's approach, its sources, and the description of the copies used in its verification, along with some photos of such copies, then the verified text in which I followed the methodology and rules of the verification. Finally, a bibliography of sources and references and an index of topics were included.




