The effect of differences of syntactic factor in explanation


  • Dr. Badr Nasser Al-Jabr Department of Arabic Grammar, Morphology and Linguistics - College of Arabic Language ‏Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


‏Linguistic factor - Exegesis - Interpreters of the Quran - Semantics - Single utterance factor - Clause factor - Semi-clause factor - Lexical Meaning of the factor.


The research studies the effect of syntactic factor difference in the explanation of Allah's words, showing the importance of factor and its effect in weighting and variation among interpreters, and it gives the interpreter several potential meanings and the importance of identifying the factor and determining it in explanation.

The research addresses a group of Quranic verses that had multiplied of interpreters' guidelines according to multiple possible syntactic factors, to stand on these guidelines and seek the reasons that made by the interpreters, and consider these clues for those possibilities and aspects.

The researcher made sure of variation of explanation and resources that show the value of syntactic factor and its effect in explanation and diversity of aspects that show the differences and effect, and  they are:  the effect of factor in singular, sentence and phrase, the effect of lexical meaning difference of factors, the possibility of its being transitive and intransitive, studied these verses detailed study, showed the opinions of interpreters and showed the effect of variation of syntactic factor or disagreement on the meaning of verse using what interpreters have mentioned in their explanation of Allah's book.




