The manifestations of intertextualit In Abi Bakr Alkhawarizmi's letters forms and mechanisms


  • Dr. Abdulkhaleq Abdulrhman Alqarni Department of Arabic language - Faculty of Arts University of Bisha


literary letters, Alkhawarizmi, literary intertextuality, religious intertextuality, proverbs, intertextuality mechanisms


This research paper attempts to observe the manifestations of the most prominent types of textual interactions; the overlap mechanisms of literary genera and analyzes its impacts on the writing industry and creative enrichment. The research discussed the theoretical framework, the views of the ancient Arab critics of the intertextuality concept. Its most important critical terms, its impact on writing renovation, and developing its prose styles, which is considered the core of modern studies that studied in detail the textual interactions of literary work and became one of its essential components.  The research also dealt with the different intertextual forms in Abi Bakr Alkhawarizmi's letters and its impacts on the productivity of letter text, generation of meaning, the relationship of genera overlap, and the mechanisms of using it in the letter text. The research also uncovered how innovative texts are rebuilt in their literary space, and their impact on the aesthetics of wording, enrichment of meaning, and style variation of one of the most prominent literary figures who have great literary and intellectual knowledge.




