The role of external context in guiding the semantic grammatical meaning


  • Dr. Iman Shaban Gouda Morsi Elbeihiry Department of Grammar- Faculty of Dar Al-Ulum Fayoum University


Context, external, grammatical meaning, connotation.


This paper is an attempt at fortifying the concept of external context in the Syntactic heritage arrive– as its function and significance, In addition to shedding light on its effect in guiding the se-mantic grammatical meanings. To achieve that, the first chapter was dedicated to arriving at the definition of a context and following the emergence of the concept “external context” in the grammatical text. In the second chapter we shed light on the range of application of the external context, on the issues, phenomena and syntactic articles, in which the external context contributed to directing the semantic grammatical meaning.

The research concluded that this type of context i. e external context was one of the key effective tools in the grammatical lesson.  Although the concept of the external context did not make an appearance in the grammarians’ classifications of contexts till the end of the eighteenth hairy century, it was present in its meaning, metonymy and synonyms long before that. It was evoked in the grammatical lesson when the addressee was referred to a semantic space that went beyond the boundaries of the sentence to external horizons. Furthermore, it contributed to directing words and moving their connotations towards grammatical and semantic meanings that would not have been raised had it not been for the semantic data added by external context.




