A Question in the Negation of kada by Abu al- Yumn Taj al- Din al -kindi, died in the year 613/ 1216 Studying and editing


  • Dr. Rasheed Abdullah Alrubaysh Department Arabic language and literature Faculty Arabic language and social studies Qassim University


Al-kindi, Negation of kada, Approximating verbs


This research is a study and an editing work of a syntactic question writting by the Grammarian, who lived in Baghdad, Abu al- Yumn Taj al –Din al- Kindi, died in the Year 613/1216.

 This research is divided into two parts:

A study and editing work. The study includes an introduction, a preamble to the research and two minor discussions.

The preamble comprises an identification of the author, which includes his name; lineage, birth, scholarly position, works, teachers, students and death.

 As for the first minor discussion:

It also includes the opinions of the linguists and grammarians on the question of the negated Kada and its cases.

The second discussion is about the methodology of the author, which includes an explanation of the author's style in writing, his personality, his syntactic opinion, his sources, his way of conveyance, and his textual pieces of evidence.

The editing part is preceded by a concise introduction, in which I authenticate the attribution of the manuscript to the author; and describe the two versions of the edited question. I also provide an illustration of my methodology in editing.

I ended my research by providing an index that includes the Quranic verses, the poetic pieces of evidence, the names of scholars mentioned in the edited text, the sources, and the subjects.




