Equilibrium in the Qur'an: a mathematical presentation


  • عبد العزيز بن صالح الهمامي كلية اللغة العربية - جامعة الإمام


Keywords: rhetoric. harmony. equanimity. The Quran. the hair.


Study summary:


This research came in an introduction, four topics, and a conclusion. As for the introduction, I explained the importance of the topic, the reason for its choice, its methodology, and its plan.

 As for the first topic, I defined in it harmony and balance in language and terminology, and the development of their concept among the rhetoricians, and their occurrence in poetry and prose. As for the third topic, I talked about the issue of the vocal miraculousness of the Holy Qur’an, and as for the fourth topic, I reviewed the history of balance among linguists, prosody, interpreters, hadithists, and rhetoricians, and the sayings of scholars investigating this issue, with a discussion of what I thought needed discussion.Then I concluded the research with a conclusion that included a set of results.





