قصيدة (عفوًا إمام الهدى) للشاعر محمد بن عائض القرني دراسة أسلوبية بلاغية


  • عبدالخالق بن عبد الرحمن القرني جامعة بيشة


Keywords: Badi’iyat - stylistic study - praise of the Prophet - Mohammad bin Ayedh al-Qarni.




This research is concerned with the stylistic study of the poem “’Afwan Imamu al-Huda” (Pardon, Imam of Guidance) by the poet Mohammad bin Ayedh al-Qarni. This poem is chosen as one of the rhetorical compositions in which the poet was influenced by the art of Badi’iyat (rhetoric), directed it to the praise of the Prophet (PBUH), adhered to the rhythmic construction of this art, and used various styles of Badi’iyat. The research aims to trace the distinctive stylistic features of the poem, reveal the stylistic structure, the rhetorical composition, and the aesthetics of the poem, and highlight what distinguishes the poet’s style and its unique characteristics. It includes an introduction addressing the concept of Badi’iyat and its origin and development and focuses on the concept of style. This is followed by three sections discussing the stylistic construction of the poem, and the stylistics of imagery, and the stylistics of rhythm. It ends with a conclusion stating the most prominent findings drawn from the stylistic study of this poem.

Keywords: Badi’iyat - stylistic study - praise of the Prophet - Mohammad bin Ayedh al-Qarni.





