اشتقاق الأفعال من اسم الذات دراسة صرفية تطبيقية في المعجم العربي

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  • آلاء اليوسف جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية


derivation, concrete noun, stripped and deflected verbs, semantics, Dictionary.



The research aims to explore the derivation of verbs from a concrete noun, by presenting the opinion of grammarians and linguists about its ruling, and a search for the origins from which it is derived, in order to reach the method that shows the derivation of the al-Mujarrad and al-Mazīd (stripped and deflected) verbs from it based on what they mentioned, and what was transmitted from the Arabs, and deposited in the Arabic dictionaries, coupled with the morphological study of the verbs derived from it, and the indications that it showed and expressed.

The most prominent thing that appeared from this shows: that the first grammarians and those who came after them turned their faces away from this issue, without objecting to it, that this type of derivation was widespread in the language and was used since the ʿAṣr al-Iḥtijāj (ages of evidence) until our time, that the verbs derived from the concrete noun were similar to the derivation of verbs from other than this, and they gave regular meanings that could be measured from.

Keywords: derivation, concrete noun, stripped and deflected verbs, semantics, Dictionary.




