التشاكل والتباين في خواتيم قصائد الشاعر (جرير بن عطية)

Similarity and contrast in the conclusion of the poems of the poet Jarir bin Attia


  • رشا عبد الرؤف الحبيشي جامعة نجران


جرير- التشاكل - التباين- براعة المقطع- حسن الانتهاء.


The conclusion constituted an influential presence for the poet Jarir bin Attia, especially as an artistic feature, because of its importance in building the coherence of the parts of the poem, and therefore the conclusion is the solid base on which the poet leans, and the conclusion that he must take care of more than the rest of the parts of the poem, without which the poem loses its path and its goal indicating its content. Isomorphism is an integral part of the contrast and is not complete without it, as both require the other, so we find the rings of the poet Jarir varied between divergent and homogeneous endings. This was evident in the endings of praise, begging, satire and pride, and most of the finals of the poems seemed to Greer to be similar to confirm that he was starting from a coherent emotional unity that leads the poem towards growth and integration, and synergizes to participate in building the artistic unity of the poem.

Keywords: Jarir - isomorphism - contrast - syllable craftsmanship - good finish.




