Trends towards Facilitating Arabic Grammar A Structural Study


  • Dr. Ibrahim ibn Salem ibn Muhammad al-Juhani Taibah University, Medinah



Learning Arabic grammar is an aim for every Muslim as it is related to the language of the Holy Qur’an.  Facilitating this leaning has been a requirement at all times, as it has been the undisputed aim of Arabic grammarians for a long time. They have tried to facilitate it in different ways, such as their request to moderately take from grammar, their criticism of the complexity of some chapters and issues of grammar, and their call for writing summaries, explanations and commentaries. As for recent scholars, they totally agree that facilitating grammar is an urgent demand, but they differ in their approaches to facilitate it, namely:  the traditionalist , the revivalist  , the westernized , and  the modern pedagogical approach.

        Perhaps, one of the easiest approaches to facilitation is to teach grammar through structures, an approach which combines the richness of lexical and syntactic features according to which the principles of correct use can be controlled. This can be achieved by collecting Arabic language structures and classifying them at different levels for students to learn and use as a model when they speak and write, according to a well studied approach common among the specialists, to build a facilitation edifice on a solid basis.




