The "b" Rhymed Verse by Al-Akhnas Ibn Shehab Al-Taglubi Opening with "Faman yaku amsa fi biladen muqamahu" (he who becomes a dweller of the place he settles in): Analytical and Rhetorical Study


  • Dr. Abdulhadi Ahmad Sayed Abdulal Department of Arabic Language and Literature College of Arts and literature University of Hail


Familiarity with the linguistic product of creative Arab literary and linguistic minds and its rhetorical analysis is, nowadays, the natural approach to rhetorical study and research, as the traditional rule inventory available to old scholars has left very little room for addition in this field.

It is also the most appropriate approach in monitoring language properties and detecting hidden meanings behind the words, images and style of the author. Exploring the above is in fact diving into the creative mind, heart and conscience penned by the author in his own language which is intertwined with the self. The language carries his hopes, pains and entire feelings.

For this reason, this study seeks to analyse the poem of Al-Akhnas rhetorically; to learn his unique style of construction, then to reveal the hidden meanings of this poem and study appropriateness in its texture comparing the actual and potential realization of the verse on the one hand, and comparing between the verse and other verses on the other.




