Focus on Embellishments of Oversights of Some Prosodic Examples of Syntax by Zain Elddin Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al-Ishaafi
This is a monograph about applied critical prosody in which the author tracked the unintentional errors committed by an adept grammarian and prosodist when he ascribed lines (cited in Arabic grammar) to their relevant meters. The author exploited these slips to speak, in a delicate applied manner, about a number of prosodical issues in each meter, which had hardly ever been discussed in any book on prosody. He followed this with a number of selected verses that were consistent with that meter, so as to "please the heart of the prudent reader and delight the educated listener", as he pointed out in his introduction.
The author wrote in detail about the meters used, or not used, by (Ibn Al-Fared) in the poems of his Divan (Collection), which highlights the author's precedence over others in such studies.