Discussion of Proper Names Having "Weih" as Suffix and Their Grammatical Rules A Phonological, Semantic and Syntactic Analysis


  • Dr. Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mahdi Al-Ansari Department of Syntax, Morphology and Philology, College of Arabic Language Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


     This research deals with the suffix (Weih) with regard to these mantics, phonology and syntax of Arabic proper names having such a suffix. The study concludes that this suffix is of Persian origin. Then, it went through Arabic morphological processes and was Arabized taking different phonological forms.  Thus, the rules of Arabic names were applied to it. Proper names having that suffix are considered fusional compounds. Therefore, the rules of syntax, grammar, declension, reported speech, duality, plurality, minimization, shortening, relativity are applied with some restrictions due to its foreign origin, phonological structure and fusional compounding.




