An Explanatory, Analytical Study of TafsirAl-Kashshaaf


  • Dr. Abdulmohsin A. Al-Askar Department of Rhetoric, Critique and Islamic literature, College of Arabic Language Imam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University


The present research paper examines Az-Zamakhsharee’sAl-Kashshaaf, shows its points of excellence and how its author has, to a great extent, managed to highlight the eloquence of the Qur’an and reveal the various forms of its miraculous nature in this respect. It also discusses the impact the book has left in the rhetorical are naand how it has benefited rhetoricians and others. Furthermore, it sheds some light on the mistakes pertaining to the Islamic creed and other issues which Az-Zamakhsharee included in his book, taking advantage of his rhetorical ability, which was the reason behind the criticism which the book received. It concludes by presenting solutions and suggestions which rightly serve to correct the errors in this monumental work and, thus; utilize it in the best and safest way.




