Reading in the collection of (the Bitter and the Bitterer) by Abdulaziz AI­ Musalam (1352- 1403 Hijri)


  • Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh AI-Washmi Department of Rhetoric , Criticism, and the Approach of Islamic Literature­ Faculty of Arabic Language- Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


Poet Abdulaziz bin Mohammad Al-Musalam (1352 H-1403H) (1933 AC1983AC), is considered one of the Saudi poets who excelled in the writing of the modern poem. , He wrote in different genres of poetry, and his vision, national, patriotic, and intellectual stands were the fuel for innovation for him . The poet has implemented all he had of the artistic methods in order to serve his subjects and purposes he tackled. He presented his poetic texts in a very innovative manner that created suspense to the reader when reading most of his production.

The main motive of investigating this poet is that his texts are generally featured as high in quality in their artistic features, and the poet has a distinguished vision toward life, though no study or article has specialized in conducting his poetry, as far as I know.




