Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation (OTC)


  • Prof. Saleh Ibn Mohamed Alfawzan Department of Islamic Studies - College of Education King Saud University


1-There are many medical methods to maintain the ovary functionality in excellent condition, especially for some pathological cases.

The most important medical method is freezing the fertilized unfertilized eggs and (Cytulas and Oosperms), furthermore the freezing of some ovarian tissues prior to the commencement of the therapy or treatment that can impact negatively the ovary functionality and the woman capacity of pregnancy and child-bearing

2- The favorite technique of ovarian issues conservation by Cryogenic technology (deep frostbite) can be characterized by its restrict procedural time and its compatibility with several types of women who are incompatible with other techniques, but this technique involves some risks, as it still under research and investigation stage.

3-Islamic jurists and scholars have a different vision with regard to a judgment of such technique, and the researcher revealed that the admissibility of these technique use is outweighed for the treatment of some sick cases as cases with cancer disease on the condition that its use must be restricted to some rules of control which can guarantee no occurrence of damages and potential harms.

4-it is prohibited that the and archived tissues return to another woman to avoid any turbatio sanguinis.

5- It is prohibited that anybody conducts such technique or procedure only for precaution because of fear of any bad health conditions or emergency occurrence in the future, as the technique can exposure the woman to medical risks and legal difficulties without any need to fulfill it.




