The Position of Prophet Muhammad’s Companions Towards Al-Khawarij Analytical Study


  • Dr. Yaser A. M. Al-Yahya Department of Creed and Contemporary Schools College of Shari’a and Islamic Studies


This current research paper studies the position of the Prophet’s companions towards a stray faction which appeared duing their time, namely Al-Khawarij. The importance of studying their position towards this group lies in the lessons that can be derived from this, especially in our times when the bid’a (innovation) of new Khawarij appears represented by extremist groups, which reinvent the previous Khawarij thinking.

The Prophet’s companions took rational and practical positions in dealing with the deviation of this faction. The most prominent of their rational positions include predicting their appearance, warning of their danger,  offering them their advice,  peacefully debating and arguing with  them, highlighting to people Qurani’c texts condemning Khawariji actions,  applying bid’a texts to their case, revealing their deviant beliefs and actions, and rebutting their deviant views.

Among Prophet’s companions practical positions were, abandoning them, showing patience when mistreated by them, being just with them,  participating in their fighting against them, and inciting people to do the same. This diversity in attitudes resulted in a number of effects the most important of which were the return of some Khawarijis to the right path, stopping some of their evil, the revelation of their falsehood to the people, and clarifying the Khawariji’s falsehood in contrast to the truth that the Prophet’s companions had.




