Narrators Severely Doubted by Al-Hakim and Mentioned in his Book Al-Mustadrak

Critical Inductive Study


  • Dr. Abdrabbuh S. Abu se’ilil College of Shari’a Jordanian University


Hadith Criticism, Biography, al-Jarh and al-Ta'dil, Narrations of al-Mustadrak, Weaks


This study deals with the narrators whose narrations were strongly criticized by Al-Hakim  and yet he narrated their Hadith  in his book al-Mustadrak. The study will collect the names of these narrators, their narrations and the opinions of the critics regarding them. The current research concludes that: some of the narrations by these narrators are mentioned by  Muslim in his book Al-Sahih, some of them belong to the four Sunan, and some are are included in al-Hakim’s works only.

Al-Hakim corrected a number of the narrations he doubted using the criteria set by Bukhari and Muslim, while other narrations were scutinized by al-Dhahabi and other scholars. Moreover, Al-Hakim weakened other several of these narrations and he admitted that they do not meet the criteria of his book. However, it appears that he used these narrations in citations and out of necessity, and mainly in certain topics such as biographis, waring raids, Prophet's companions and Quran explication. All this was out of tolerating narrations in some areas.




