The written Fatwa: Rulings and Conditions


  • Dr. Amal Abdullah Al-Quheiz Department of Fiqh, College of Shari’ah Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic Univesrity


Al-Fatwa to inform about God with a shar’i ruling based on evidence.  It could be in a verbal or written form; the latter should be governed with some peculiar conditions and rulings. 

 The written Fatwa refers to the varied methods of documentation.  The significance of this topic stems from the fact that the number of written fatwas is countless and there is no relevant previous literature, despite the early attempts of addressing its rulings.

 The paper tackles the ruling of writing the fatwa, when it should be written, when can a Mufti refrain from writing it, the ruling of implementing the written fatwa on the part of Mufti and the seeker of fatwa, the ruling of getting paid for fatwa-giving, the governing conditions related to writing the questions and answers, and circumspection in writing the Fatwa




