The use of rational evidence in response to atheists through the Qur'an


  • Dr. Mohammad Ibn Awad Ibn Abdullah Al-shehri Department of Creed and Contemporary Religious Schools. College of Fundamentals of Religion Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


The Holy Quran, Rational evidence, Creation, Care. Perfection, contingent possibility.


God Almighty has willed to set the right and wrong in a struggle until Doomsday, and this struggle in every time and place has multiple images and different forms. Whenever the devil brought his army and men to the war of right, which is presented as the religion and accepted by God for creation, the people of right who fulfill the Book of their Lord and the Sunnah of His Messenger - Peace be upon him - and rely on God alone reject the wrong, show the right and are patient to do so until God ruled and is the best of the rulers.

In the modern age, "atheism" was one of the most prominent forms of that stuggle, where doctrines, ideas and atheist calls appeared with different masks. But, despite their differences agree to deny the existence of the Creator, and the war of religions, had to be confronted by the evidence, proof, argument and statement.

Since the atheists and their followers of atheism do not recognize the religion and its transitional evidence, it was necessary to take the agreed method of mental evidence that cannot be disputed by sane person, with the rooting of this significance and linking them to the Qur'an. Also, there is a confirmation of its legitimacy as Qur'an used it and employed it to respond to atheists.

Hence the research idea appeared, which has been called:

(The use of rational evidence in response to atheists through the Qur'an), following in its writing the analytical inductive approach. One of the most important results was: The rational evidence is distinguished by the force for its clarity, diversity and inclusion of several implications, in addition to the interest of the Qur'an and its use in determining the existence of God in various ways, including the response to atheists. Its recommendations focus on the importance of providing this subject with a number of researches and studies, and investing its implications in responding to contemporary suspicions of atheists.

The themes of this paper can be summarized as follows:

  • The Holy Quran and its status.
  • Mental evidence and its importance.
  • The concept of atheism and its threat.
  • Evidence of Creation.
  • Evidence of Care and Disposition.
  • Evidence of Perfection and Destiny.

• Evidence of  contingent possibility and specificity




