Prophet Muhammad Narratives (Hadith) Unique to Israel Bin Younis in Musnad Al-Bazzaz And their Influence on Judging his Narratives


  • Dr. Sara Bint Aziz Al-Shehri Department of Islmic Studies College of Arts University of Imam Abdurrahman bin Faisal


Israel bin Younis is considered one of the well-known narrators of Prophet Mohammad Hadith (traditions). Many scholars have approved his authenticity as reliable narrator. However, some have criticized him, weakening his narration due to certain narrations reported by him alone. I wanted to know the reasons of Israel bin Younis' uniqueness in certain narrations, and what was his motivation to do this, and what influence this had on his narration and narration as a whole. I compiled all the Hadiths which AlBazzar considered to be unique to Bin Younis. I, then, classified them as per their reference in Al-Musnad by AlBazzar. Then I undertook a study of the methods used, showing the narrations in terms of weakness and strength. After close study and tracking, I give my judgment concerning the uniqueness of Israel bin Younis in narrating these Hadiths. Using my judgment, I clarified the reasons that made Israel bin Younis the only narrator for these Hadiths, and the influence of these unique narrations on final judgment on Hadith. I also indicated AlBazzar Approach in judging the narration of Hadiths unique to Israel bin Younis. Finally, I ended my research with the conclusion which includes the findings.




