Revealing Verses on The Reality with Pictures and Videos


  • Dr. Nahla Bent Mohamed Bin Abdullah Al Nassir Department of Holy Quran and its Sciences - College of Fundamentals of Religion Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University


تنزيل الآيات على الواقع – صيانة كلام الله عن الامتهان.


Praise be to Allah, and prayer and peace be upon His Last Prophet, ..

A new issue related to the Holy Quran is considered in this research, which is to cite with the Quranic verses applying to the embodied reality that has been increased with spreading photography and mass media aimed at rooting the matter of verses revealing the reality using pictures and videos with establishing the disciplines have to be taken into consideration and observed. Thus Allah's Words are to be kept from misuse and benefiting from modern means to link the people with the Book of Allah the Almighty to be guided in his guidance. I've divided it into: an introduction, in which I stated: the linguistic definitions of the research terms, three topics: the first topic: approaches the essence and beginning of the verses revealing the reality and I referred in the second topic to the importance of citation with the verses and revealing on the depicted reality in modern time, to be followed by the third topic in which I indicated to the disciplines that have to be adhered to upon revealing the verses on the depicted reality and some real violations in this chapter. Finally, I concluded that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was the first who revealed the Quranic verses to the observed reality, and we live in a time of visual culture domination. Picture has a gateway for many of sciences and knowledge, so it is the priority to be exploited in connecting people with the Holy Quran in all aspects of life. Because of the sacredness of the Holy Quran, I suggested that centers concerned with Quranic studies should adopt the issue of a depicted encyclopedia for the Quranic verses that deal with contemporary issues based on Islamic controls keeping Allah's Word from misuse.




