Hadiths Jubair ibn Almutem that Mohammed  once said، “To the people of Abd-UL Manaf don’t prevent others’ from praying at the holy Masjid at any time of a day”


  • Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Alsamel Department of Sunnah and its Sciences - College Of Principles of Religion Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


A narration. Hadith circus. Differences. The most correct of the differences. He produced. Trustworthy. Weak. The hadith with this chain of transmission. Authenticated. The supererogatory prayer. The time of prohibition. The first، second، and third said. The most correct of the sayings


The Hadith of Jubair ibn Almutem، which consists of a saying of Mohammed to the people of Abd-UL Manaf do not prevent others from praying at the holy Masjid at any time of the day. After Collecting the methods and “isnads” of this hadith، extracting them، studying its chain of narrators، then judging it، as well as collecting the evidence of the hadith that you have stood upon it turns out that the hadith is authentic and proven. As for the evidence، none of them is without an article and weakness in its chain of transmission. Then I showed the difference of scholars on that issue of non-obligatory prayers، including the two rak'ahs of Tawaf and other redundancy prayers in Makkah at times of prohibition، based on three sayings. The first opinion، Whoever goes for permissibility at all during all five times of prohibition? In addition، the second saying: He who says that it is absolutely forbidden in all five times of disliking. The third saying: Whoever says that it is forbidden in the three times of makrooh mentioned in the hadith of Uqba bin Aamer، which is when the sun rises when it passes over and when it sets، and that it is permissible to do it at the rest of the times. The words of Al-Shafi’i، Ahmad، Al-Thawri، Al-Bayhaqi، Ibn Abdul-Bar، and others. His Sheikh of Islam، Ibn Taymiyyah، al-Nawawi، Ibn Hajar، and others favored it.




