Fundamental issues related to belief in the chapter on copies of the book Understanding the Qur’an and its meanings by al-Harith al-Muhasibi


  • Dr. Ahmed bin Ayel bin Ali Maafa Department of Sharia - College of Sharia and Law Jazan University


abrogation - al-harith al-muhasabi - understanding the Qur’an - issues of fundamentalism - belief


The commentators and researchers in the sciences of the Qur’an have designated the book “Understanding the Qur’an for al-Harith al-Muhasibi, as one of the early records of authorship in the sciences of the Qur’an.” There is nothing wrong with that. And study, method and debate what is required of specialists in assets to correct their view of it, and take care of it, especially with recognition of the existence of missing links in the history of the fundamental verbal and jurisprudential classification. As a predecessor of the Ash'ari ancestors, we used to respond in it to the different sects of the Mu'tazila and the Rafidah, and he was distinguished by his mastery in various sciences, his knowledge of jurisprudence, hadith and effects, his proximity to the righteous ancestors, his good expression and style, and based some of his views on the doctrine of attributes, and these issues were collected and studied by studying Fundamentalism, and scientifically analyzed in which it showed its purpose, origins and premises, and discussed its errors and humiliation, and among the most prominent results :

1- The term abrogation appeared at Al-Harith Al-Mohasabiah in the manner of the late scholars of the fundamentalists, by raising the judgment in its entirety, based on a doctrinal point of view related to the exceptions mentioned in the news of the promise and the warrant, where he believes that launching copies of them necessitates backward and lying.

2 - The term general and specific appeared as a response to the Shiites in their saying of copies of news, and he responded to the Mu'tazila by saying that they copy the verses of the warning, and this is an early observation of the impact of fundamentalist issues by the doctrinal premises, and the origin of what came after him from words on these issues of the fundamentalists among the speakers.

3- The effect of the doctrinal approach as an attribute of the words of Allah the Almighty and the will and the saying with its earlier or its occurrence in a number of fundamental issues for him, such as the separation between copying and beginning, the difference between copying, general and specific, copying news, and copying the words of Allah the Almighty.




