Terms insolvency and bankruptcy In jurisprudence and order

Comparative study


  • Dr. Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Bin Shabib Department Shariah Policy –Higher Institute of Justice Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University


Insolvency - bankruptcy - term - terms


This research entitled: (Terms insolvency and bankruptcy In jurisprudence and order Comparative study), aimed at clarifying the meaning of these terms, which are intended in the doctrinal and regulatory aspects of old and new.

This research came in the introduction, introduction, researchers and conclusion, but the preface was to show the linguistic meaning of each term. While the first research was devoted to talking about what the terms insolvency and bankruptcy mean in the jurisprudence and contemporary collective decisions and then balancing them in the doctrinal consideration. Then came the second research to talk about what the two terms mean a system with a statement of the stages that each term went through both in international systems and the local system "Saudi", and ended with the balance between these two terms in consideration of Legal.




