Narratives of "queries of Ishaq bin Mansour", quoting from Imam Ahmad With a study of the additions of Abdullah bin Al-Abbas Al-Tayalisi


  • Dr. Nada Turky Almugbel Islamic Studies - College of Education King Saud University


Novel, additions, queries, Al-Tayalisi


This research is based on (queries of Ishaq bin Mansour) by tracing the narrations that convey his writings, enumerating them, and explaining his method. And then explore which of these narrations came from the handwriting versions that now exist. Accordingly, the book was printed with no reference in manuscripts.

And then, the queries added to the narration reported by the narrator: (Abdullah bin Al-Abbas Al-Tayalisi) were collected and studied. In addition to explaining the extent of the importance of these additions. The consequence of their absence from the error of some scholars in the perception of the queries. The meaning of the additions in this search:

It is the sentence and phrases said by “Abdullah bin Al-Abbas Al-Tayalisi” from him, and it was not for Ishaq bin Mansour. But the meaning is not intended by the additions that he knows exclusively from other narrators who narrated it on the authority of Ishaq bin Mansour.




