Dawabit Alaijtihad Almuqasidii Fi Nawazel Al'Awbia Watatbiqatuh Alfaqhia


  • Dr. Desouky Youssef Desouky Nasr Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence- College of Sharia Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University


Ijtihad, objectives, regulations, calamities, epidemics, rules, branches, jurisprudence


Contemporary ijtihad in light of observing the purposes of Sharia is a form of renewal of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Especially if it is related to the jurisprudence of calamities, which can be called intentional diligence, and the researcher has tried to highlight that position for this type of diligence, with the calamities of epidemics by setting a set of controls that the diligent and the scientist must observe.

Therefore, the researcher decided to collect the words of the fundamentalists about diligence, objectives, and the controls of intentional diligence in the calamities of epidemics, in one research, and he called it: (Controls of intentional diligence in the calamities of epidemics and its jurisprudential applications).

The researcher started by explaining the importance of defining the controls of intentional diligence for scholars, especially in the calamities of epidemics in the modern era, and then talked about the controls of intentional diligence in the calamities of epidemics and its fields, as well as the impact of intentional diligence on the jurisprudence of reality, and its relationship to the calamities of epidemics.

The relationship of intentional diligence with the jurisprudence of calamities appears through this research. The purposes in it, the conditions and descriptions of the jurisprudence of the calamities of epidemics when the intentional ijtihad is attached to them. The link is between the root side and the practical side by mentioning some of the intentional rules related to the calamities of epidemics.




