Fairest Names conjunction in the last verses of Surat An-Nisa doctrinal study


  • Dr. Nader Bin Buhar Bin Muteb Alotaibi Department Islamic Studies – Faculty Science and Humanities Shaqra University


Fairest, Names, Conjunction


Praise be to Allah Only, and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, and: This study is marked with (conjunction of fairest names in the last verses of Surat An-Nisa. A doctrinal study). It aims to: Mention the belief of predecessor about fairest names and attributes of Allah. And to clarify the meaning associated with the fairest Names of Allah, Study also aims to: enumerate fairest Names of Allah that are paired with the last verses of Surat An-Nisa, explain their meanings, and appropriateness of their conjunction, and my methodology in this study is: the inductive and analytical approach

Key findings revealed by the study are: The association of the fairest Names of Allah came at the end of the verses of Surat (An-Nisa) in 33 places. And that if each of the fairest Names of Allah is combined, the meaning increases, and this is an indication of the perfection of the Lord with good praise and glorification. And also: that in conjunction with the fairest Names of Allah, An indication of the contemplation of the Qur’an, its understanding, its miraculousness, its eloquence, and its clarification. The important findings as well: that whoever has problems in the field of names and attributes, such as Mu’atla and Ash’aris, will not reach these meanings and glorious judgment. The fairest names of Allah in the context of the verses in which they mentioned .

Key recommendations of the researcher: A study of the fairest names of Allah paired with other verses of the Holy Qur’an. As well as studying the names of Allah associated with Sunnah. Among the important recommendations are: Meditation and contemplation of the fairest Names of Allah, Which increases Muslim's faith and knowledge of Allah Almighty.




