Hakam Bin Imran and his Efforts in Drawing and Pointing the Quran


  • Dr. Maha Abdullah Mohammed AL Hadab Department the Qur’an and its Sciences - Faculty Fundamentals of Religion Imam Mohammad Ibin Saud Islamic University


The advanced scientists' statements is one of the significant resources in drawing and pointing the Quran, one of them is Al-Emam Al-Jalil Hakam Bin Imran Alqurtobi who excelled in drawing and pointing the Qurans and he has watched Al-Qazi Bin Qais the author of ( Hejaa Alsuna) book, he wrote about it but his writings didn’t reach to us, it seems to have lost in  early time, but his effects in drawing and pointing are still broadcasted  in printed sources of this art, this research is to highlight on the efforts of this Imam through of introduction him, highlight his efforts in science of drawing and pointing the Quran, massed his effects and studying it a comparative study and showing the scientific value of it and its effects hereafter.

The research addressed the inductive approach then the analytical descriptive approach, the results is:

  • Hakam Bin Imran is considered as an advanced reference in drawing and pointing the Qurans in Al-Andalus.
  • His heritage effect has showed in drawing and pointing works so, Al-Dani Abu Dawood, Al-Labib and Al-Kharaz were sited of him.
  • The number of issues carried by him in this research was about (38) various issue in drawings sections.
  • What he is carried about him is affected in making contention in drawing some words which some sources may not mentioned as opposed.
  • His method in pointing was the method of Al-Andalus people, he used expression points, the reddish in contain the conjunctions, sukoon, stress and extra letters, etc. he used yellow colour in Hamza, and he used green in making points in focal points to begin with.




