The impact of fundamentalist Hanafi on judge on judge Abi Ya'li Hanbali, and his efforts in trace the tracing the offects of fundamentalist Hanbalah


  • Dr. Mohammed Tariq Ali Al-Fouzan Department Jurisprudence and origins – Faculty Sharia and Islamic Studies Kuwait University


Abu Ya'li, Judge, Hanbali, Hanbalah, Jurisprudence Principles, origins, effects, impact, Hanafi


Judge Abu Ya'li al-Hanbali is the leading jurist who had a great impact on blogging. He has the credit of stabilizing the doctrine, establishing its rules, and preparing for it. This research sheds light on two pillars that build on each other.

First: The case of the fundamentalist blogging at Hanbalah before Judge Abi Ya'li and his efforts in investigating the issues of the jurisprudence principles from the books of Hanbalah in interpretation, speech, belief, jurisprudence, individual parts, fatwas and issues of Imam Ahmed and graduation on that.

Second: The impact of Judge Abi Ya'li on the Hanafi fundamentalist blogging, and there were the reasons and manifestations indicated in the research, the most important of those reasons. The previous case of insufficient collected by the judge from the words of Hanbalah to collect a complete blog, so whoever adhered to the research of the affectedness of the judge on the Hanafi statement his efforts in tracking the effects of Hanbalah fundamentalism.

This translation is presented briefly to Judge Abi Ya'li, with a full account of his fundamentalist effects.s




