Substantiation of the Attribute of the Finger "Al-Asb'a" for Allah Almighty: a doctrinal study


  • Dr. Reema Muqrin Alshaikh Department Creed and Contemporary Doctrines – Faculty Fundamentals of Religion Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


Attributes of Allah , Self Attributes , Attributes of the Finger , Attributes of the Fist , Fingers


This research talks about one of Allah self attributes, which is "the finger" And the attribute of the finger is proven by al-Salaf, and it's in the correct Sunnah. It is a self-attribute subordinate to the affirmation of a set of self and actual attributes, such as Hand, fist, grasp, carry, lay, and turn. All these attributes are indicative of the absolute perfection of Allah Almighty in every aspect.

The research also reveals the suspicions of almutklmin in denial of the attribute of Allah Almighty and answers it. They denied that the attribute of the finger is attributed to Allah, some of them rejected the texts denoting it, and some of them started with a set of interpretations: such as grace, power, creation, or their effects. And said of tafwidh those who accepted the text and did not interpret it. They are all mistaken, as they did not accept what is indicated by the authentic texts of the Sunnah. And what was narrated by the Salaf and the books of the language denoting it. They did not understand the texts reported by the Salaf regarding the prohibition of delving into modalities for the attributes of Allah Almighty; while affirming them in word and meaning, so they combined a corrupt understanding and a denial of the truth.

The research also referred to the saying of a sect of Almumthelah and Almukyfah who delved into proof until they modality the attributes of Allah mighty; and represented Him with His creation.   




