The Islamic Alternative: Theological Applications – Tawḥīd as a Model


  • د خالد بن محمد الرباح جامعة المجمعة - كلية التربية بالزلفي


البديل – التوحيد – الاستعاذة – أسماء الله.



1.Islamic law prohibits engaging in discussions regarding the essence of Allah. It provides a valid alternative for Muslims when confronted with such temptations: refraining from such discussions, seeking refuge in Allah, and reciting prescribed forms of remembrance.

2.Muslims are forbidden from using names that contradict the reverence of Allah's names. When such inappropriate names exist, the texts suggest a proper alternative: being named after the eldest son.

 3.Muslims are discouraged from using the phrase "your Lord" when addressing a master, to uphold the sanctity of Allah's name. The correct alternative is to use "my master". Additionally, the terms "my servant" or "my maidservant" are replaced with the appropriate alternatives: "my young man", "my young woman", and “"My boy.”

 4.Muslims are prohibited from saying, "Peace be upon Allah," because Allah is peace itself. Instead, the correct alternative is to say, "Peace, prayers, and blessings be upon Allah."

5.The proper alternative to seeking refuge in jinn is to seek protection in Allah's complete words from the evil of His creation.

6.Islamic law prohibits reliance on superstitions such as bad omens or divination. Instead, Muslims are guided towards the correct alternatives: performing the istikhārah (prayer for guidance) and seeking consultation.

 7.Muslims are forbidden from attributing servitude in names to anyone other than Allah. The correct alternative is to attribute names solely to Allah's servitude (e.g., ‘Abd Allah).

 8.The proper alternative to saying "what Allah and what you will" or "what Allah and someone else wills" is to say: "What Allah wills alone" or "what Allah wills, then what someone else wills."

  1. The correct alternative to swearing by anything other than Allah, such as the Kaaba or the Prophet, is to swear by Allah's names and attributes.





