The Original State of ManKind Primitive and Current, and it’s Implications ( An Islamic Doctrinal Study )


  • Dr. Hayfa Nasser Al-Rasheed Department Creed and Contemporary Doctrines – Faculty Fundamentals of Religion Imam Mohamad bin Saud Islamic University


instinct ( fitrah ), original state of man, original state of a muslim, righteousness ( adalah )


This paper discusses the term “origin” and its linguistic and religious expressions; and the different meanings of the saying (the origin in man). The first meaning is the beginning of his creation, the second: is the accompanying condition, and the third: is the creed of humanity at the beginning of its creation.

The origin in the Muslim was also discussed, prefaced with the differentiation between the concepts: “salamah” safety, and “adalah” righteousness, and the scholarly opinions regarding the question about whether a Muslim is inherently free from immorality, heresy and polytheism, or is he inherently described as so, with proof of the chosen opinion.

Then the issue of describing someone as “righteous” was raised, and the details and distinctions made between requiring proof of righteousness in narrators of hadeeth, and requiring proof of righteousness in witnesses, and requiring proof of righteousness in Muslims in general.

The paper concluded with a discussion regarding the description of Muslims as followers of Sunnah or the way of “alsalf”; and whether that description is included in Islam or if it is considered an addition, and also the issue of testing people's creed to verify the integrity of their doctrine and belief.




