Filial piety and its relation to Belief


  • Dr. Badriya Mohsen Hazza Al-Subaiye Department Islamic Studies – Faculty Arts Princess Noura bint Abdulrahman University


parents, belief, monotheism, Islamic Monotheism (Tawheed, allegiance and disavowal


Research topic: Filial Piety and its relation to Belief.

Research Objectives: Filial Piety is one of the most important and greatest acts of worship in Islam. So, you have to remember its relation to faith and belief.

Research Methodology: The researcher relied on the inductive, descriptive, and analytical approach.

Research Results: The relationship of Filial Piety with Islamic Monotheism (Tawheed) appears in: pairing Filial Piety with the Monotheism of Allah (Tawheed), and pairing His thanksgiving, with their thanksgiving, and Allah associates the parents' right with His right in many other verses, and and praying for them.

The relationship of Filial Piety with faith appears in: Filial Piety is one of the reasons for increasing faith, and filial ingratitude is a major sin.

The relationship of Filial Piety with the Last Day appears in the reward for Filial Piety is Paradise, deprivation of Paradise for the filial ingratitude, and intercession.

The relationship of Filial Piety with the polytheism of Allah appears in the polytheism of obedience.

The relationship of Filial Piety with allegiance and disavowal appears in: pure allegiance to Muslim parents and differentiating between Islamic and prohibited forms of allegiance to infidelic parents.

Most recommendations:

I recommend the researchers to link the Islamic Will and Testament and the prophetic literature with their Articles of faith.




