Hadeeth of `Ammaar Bin Yasir, May Allah be pleased with them, in Determining the Part of the Hands to Be Rubbed in Tayammum (Dry Ablution): Documentation and Study


  • Dr.Yasir bin Abdulaziz bin Ahmed Al-Rabi`e College of Shari`a and Islamic Studies in Al-Ahsa Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


Ammar bin Yasir- problematic hadith - Tayammum


This research deals with the hadith of Ammar bin Yasser concerning the limit of wiping off the hands in dry ablution (Tayammum), which is a disputed issue as appears in Prophetic traditions. The researcher collected the relevant narrations of this hadith, examined their different chains of narrators (isnads) and their main texts, and suggested the most authentic narration. The research then investigated the stands of Muslim scholars in interpreting this difference. It concluded that the hadith is attributed to Ammar by way of elevation (marfu’) from the hadith of Abdullah bin Mas’ud and the hadith of Abdul Rahman bin Abzy. It is also attributed to Ammar as stopped (mauquf) narration from the hadith of Abu Malik al-Ghafari. The most authentic narration through Al-Zuhri is: Al-Zuhri through Ubaidullah bin Abdullah through his father through Ammar. As to the difference in the main text (matn), the most correct narration is: wiping off the hands without restriction to arms, elbows, shoulders or armpits.




