Dialogue in the Holy Quran: An Empirical Study


  • Dr. Naadeyah Ibraaheem Al-Nafeesah Department of Quran and its Sciences College of Fundamentals of Religion Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


There is an urgent need today to discuss the issue of dialogue in the Holy Qura'n, particularly at a time when the language of power and money is overwhelmingly dominating that of dialogue and reason.

Difference amongst humans is an instinctive characteristic and an eternal divine destiny, which is related to trial and obligations on which human responsibility on earth is based as Almighty Allah says :{Had Allah willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as ye are). So vie one with another in good works. Unto Allah ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ.} 5:48  Al-Mâ’idah(The Feast). Therefore, out of this difference, dialogue has turned into a means of reaching correctness and truth. It is a way of understanding amongst people, and it is a prominent method of knowledge and persuasion. In order to properly fulfill its purposes, dialogue has to be based in an amiable context and healthy atmosphere, which will insure its usefulness and fruitfulness. It should also be clear of obstacles, in case they exist, that would prevent it from fulfilling its objectives of understanding, coexistence, and cooperation. Therefore, this research (dialogue in the Holy Qura'n)  - an applied study - has set its bases and applications in some verses so that it  shows the best method  and approach to dialogue, and all important issues that are required for itssuccess. 





