Issues Where Husbands Should Be Fair to Their Wives and Issues where they Should Not


  • Dr. Faten Muhammad Abdullah Al-Mashrref Department of Jurisprudence – College of Sharia Imam Muhammad Ibn Saudi Islamic University


Praise be to Allah, prayer and peace be upon the best of the prophets and messengers, our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, after this

Islam has urged on justice and order in everything in life, and among all this justice between wives, this is indicated by the Quran, Sunnah, consensus and reason 

Among the things the husband must do in order to be fair to his wives: 

- Division: By consensus of the four imams and indicated by the Quran and Sunnah and consensus

-Housing: Settlement between the wives in the housing one of the necessities of justice between wives, nor is it acceptable for a man to combine his wives in one house without their consent to avoid provoking enmity and hatred among them

-Alimony: The settlement between wives in alimony is necessary as indicated by the Quran and Sunnah

And among the non-obligatory matters when it comes to justice between the wives:

-Love, affection and enjoyment by the agreement of the four schools and as indicated by the Quran, Sunnah, consensus and reason 

Travel: A husband must select randomly between his wives if he wants to travel , As did the Prophet peace be upon him, where he used to choose between his wives by random selection or he can travel with whoever they ( the husband and the wives ) agreed upon 

And in the end God knows best and May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.




