The Impact of Imposing or not imposing Conditions for the Property of Causes in Analogy Cases


  • Dr. Abdullah Saad Al-Mugeerah Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence. College of Sharia Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This research paper discusses the impact of imposing conditions or not imposing them for the property of causes in analogy cases.  It is explained in a   preface, four chapters and a conclusion.

 Introduction: It explains   the meaning of property and   different opinions of the fundamentalists in imposing its conditions.  It.

First section: It shows the impact of imposing property conditions and its absence in defining the cause and analogy.

Second section: it projects the most important issues affected by this origin in the subject of cause conditions.

Third section:  It also explains the most important issues affected by this origin in the subject of methods of causes.

Fourth section: It deals with updated questions that were influenced by analogy in the case of cause’s property, recently added questions to the analogy and affected by the property of causes.





