Integrating the People's Word: Purposive Study


  • Dr.Waleed Bin Ibraheem Bin 'Aliyah l'Ajaji Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence College of Sharia Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


Is necessary to abide with the group, and not to disperse and expressed as authored hearts, and the unity of row, it is said those who violated the group: It may stick incision.

And its opposite difference, but often it is not required in enmity, nor separation in the floor, and do not waste of reunification, but other positive.

The intent of the word collection had characterized by three major attributes,  first segment : that the necessary complement to the   five known purposes, The second segment  : I think it is not conclusive  ,third segment It is related to the group, not individuals.

So the  legislator interested in the intent of collecting word, and accredited accordingly , Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and accordingly ALLAH cared   intent of the legislator collect word  ,pay great efforts , and senior scholars in Saudi influential role in inducing towards, and directing people to the introduction ,and causes , and  warning to disperse and its causes.




