A Section on Providing Drinking Water and Ablution Spaces on Mosque Premises By Al-Imam Ubaidullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hamdaan Ibn Battah Al-Akbari Al-Hanbali (387AH) Verification and Ascription


  • Dr. Su`ood Abdullah Burdi Al-Mutayri Kuwait University


This research is an investigation of the manuscript of the well-known Imam Ubaidullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Battah Al-Hanbali (387 AH). The researcher explains highly important issues, urgently needed at present, about the provisions regarding providing drinking water, ablution spaces and WC facilities on mosques premises. The researcher also explains the provisions of selling and purchasing mosques attachments, guiding the astray, executing sharia court sentences in mosques, as well as the provisions pertaining to churches adjacent to mosques, to changing the location of a mosque when necessary. The research also includes the discussion of evidence from those who approve and those who object to rulings concerning these as well as other issues.




