Muslim Scholars’Stance Towards Christianity Abu Al-Abbaas Al-Qurtubi and his Book “Al-I`laam” As a Model


  • Dr. Muhammad Bin Awadh Bin Abdullah Al-Shihri Department of Creed and Contemporary Religious Schools College of Fundamentals of Religion Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University



All praise is due to Allah the Almighty. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our [Beloved] Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].

As soon as the dawn of Islam broke, all people of falsehood got together unifying their efforts to attack and criticize Islam in every possible way. Primarily, they raised false accusations and suspicions about Islam. They discouraged people from believing in it or following it, especially Christians. This required Muslims to rebut such falsehoods and reveal the absolute truth.

Because such work would only materialize through discussion and dialogue, Muslim scholars paid a close attention to this matter. In fact, they had written and prepared voluminous works in this field. They sought the pleasure of Allah the Almighty in their dedicated works. Allah the Almighty stated in the Glorious Quran [Al-Ankaboot – The Spider – verse 46: “And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islamic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong; and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilâh (God) and your Ilâh (God) is One (i.e. Allâh), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)." Such ideological controversy was heated to its maximum, its fire was well-fueled and the arguments became tense and heated. Well-known figure writers have recorded a wonderful victory in their defense and preaching of Islam.

Those scholars became famous for their work in this field. For example, Abu Al-Abbas Al-QurTubi, who died in 626 Hijri, is one of the most renowned scholar who wrote a prominent book in this field entitled, “Informing People about the Corruption, Myths in Christianity, Stating the Merits of Islam and Proving the Prophet hood of Our Prophet Muhammad PBUH.” This book gained wide popularity amongst readers, giving a bright picture of the religious argumentation between Muslims and Christians for a number of characteristics. This book is the subject of this study in which the researcher introduces the author and his book, authenticating his authorship. Then the researcher studies the author’s position vis-à-vis Christianity in the following aspects: (divinity, prophecies, divine books, legislations, in addition to proving the prophet hood of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the declaration of the merits of Islam).

The researcher arranges all of the aforementioned items in accordance with the subject and distribution of the contents of the book which consist of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion and indexes.





