Shari'a Ruling on Advice


  • Dr. Mariam Bint Rashid Ibn Saleh Al-Tamimi Department of Islamic Studies, College of Arts, University of Dammam


      Advice is the pillar and backbone of religion. It helps keep the society safe from spreading mischief (fasād) and avoid the propagation of injustice. Advice is often in the form of order and sometimes in the form of prohibition

1- Ordered advice: it is either obligatory or recommendable.

  1. A) Obligatory advice is divided into:

- Individual obligatory advice: it includes the cases of having the capability, absence of harm and being available upon request.

- Sufficient obligatory advice: when it is propagated in the society and the number of people giving advice is enough.

  1. B) Recommendable: when the advised matter is recommendable, such as advising people to follow the rules of Sunna (Prophet's Muhammed Instructions), and when the advice is giving sufficiently.

2-Prohibited advice: it is either prohibited or hateful.

  1. A) Prohibited advice: if the resulted corruption is greater than advice forsaking. Advice is also prohibited when the adviser become sure that he is susceptible to harm or the adviser intends to give the advice for libeling the advisee.
  2. B) Hateful advice: when the advice takes place in public for someone whose mistake is not apparent for people. It is also hateful when coupled with violence or being a burden on the advisee or at improper time.

- Advice is closely related to its reasons, conditions and prohibitions. To be correct and fruitful, the advice's reasons and conditions should be existed and its prohibitions should be eliminated.




