Rule: Does Permissibility Remain If the Obligation is Abrogated? Rooting and Applying


  • Dr. Abdulsalam Ibn Ibrahim Ibd Muhammad Al-Husain College of Shari'a and Islamic Studies in Ahsa, Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


    The benefit of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (Usul al-fiqh) appears in controlling their rules, and defining their impact on inference. This can only be achieved through describing these rules well, determining their disputed points, and defining their impact on inference. One of the rules that have an impact on the inference is rule: Does permissibility remain if obligation is abrogated? The statements of jurist were varied in clarifying its meaning, and defining its words. This research aims to explain this rule, define its words, determine its disputed points, mention the relevant sayings, evidences and discussions with a demonstration of the preponderant of these sayings, and then figure out the cause of dispute at the rule, as well as its impact on jurisprudential applications.




