Privacy Statement
Imam Mohammad ibn Saud Islamic University Journal of Applied Sciences (IMSIUJAPS) applies the privacy policy of Imam Mohammad ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), It can be seen in the following link:
Conflict of Interest
It is mandatory for all authors and co-authors to declare any possible conflicts of interest at the time of submission. An acknowledgements section should be used to disclose any conflicts of interest.
Examples of financial interests that should be disclosed:
Any funding sources that could be perceived as having influenced the submitted work or where the funding organization stands to gain or lose from the article's publication, such as grants, employment, patents, stock ownership, sponsorships, etc.
Examples of personal relationships/academic competitions that should be disclosed:
The authors' unpaid roles that may impact the publication process include memberships in professional organizations and unpaid advisory affiliations.
It is also necessary to reveal any personal relationships or opinions that can be interpreted as a conflict. This would include having a relative who is employed with a company that provides funding for the project.
It is challenging to define the point at which a financial or other interest becomes important. There are two useful rules:
1-to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could disgrace you if they were to become public knowledge after your work was published.
2-to state any material that, when discovered later, could lead a reasonable reader to believe they were misled or tricked.
Declaring conflicts of Interest:
It is appropriate to disclose any possible conflicts of interest in the acknowledgments section.
Include the complete disclosure in your cover letter if you are submitting to a journal that uses double-anonymous review.
Reviewers should exercise objectivity by thinking about whether or not they have a conflict of interest before accepting to review and by declining in the following instances. Some examples of this include:
- Being in direct competition with the authors
- Working with the authors or having a personal connection to one of them
You have a conflict of interest since you are directly or indirectly linked with one of the authors' institutions.
- You have the potential to profit from the authors' work in some way.
- Your position makes it impossible to assess the work objectively.
If a conflict of interest prevents you from serving as a reviewer, we will choose someone else to do so.
Should you become aware of any possible conflict of interest when reviewing an article for one of our double-anonymous journals, kindly inform.
Editors, Board Members and Editorial Staff
Papers can be submitted to the journal by members of the Editorial Board and editors. No editorial decision-making is influenced by an editor's or board member's rank; all contributions are reviewed and evaluated according to the same standards. No editor or member of the editorial board may examine or manage the peer review process for a paper in which they are listed as an author. Additionally, our peer review method will ensure that they do not have access to any private information on their work, such as the reviewers' identities or comments sent to the editor.
Any editorial team member, including editors, board members, or anyone with a financial stake in a manuscript, should tell the journal staff of any potential conflicts of interest and ask to be recused from participating in the manuscript's peer review or processing.
Policy on the Application of AI tools
The IMSIUJAPS journal does not tolerate the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including large language models (LLM) like ChatGPT, as authors. These tools are unable to assume any responsibility for the content they generate, including text and/or figures. Consequently, they do not satisfy the authorship criteria of the IMSIUJAPS.
Following the principles of transparency, authors who employ any AI tools must provide comprehensive information about the application of the tools in the Methods section and/or make an explicit declaration in the Acknowledgments section of the manuscript. The article will be retracted as a consequence of an author's intentional concealment of the use of AI tools, which will be considered academic malfeasance.