
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This research is carries originality, innovation, scientific and methodological novelty
  • This research adheres to the scientific methodology, tools and methods considered in its field
  • The manuscript is accurate in documentation and graduation.
  • This manuscript is free from grammatical and typographical errors.
  • It has not been previously published, or submitted for publication in any other party, in any language.
  • This research is not extracted from a research, a dissertation or a book, whether it is by the researcher himself, or by someone else.

Author Guidelines

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences



Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSC) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, quarterly issued and published by Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

The journal publishes original scientific researches in the field of humanities and social sciences in Arabic and English.



The journal team aims at making the journal a renowned and reliable reference in humanities and social sciences, by publishing accurate, distinguished and original research articles in humanities and social sciences, adhering to the relevant international standards.



  1. Contribute to the advance and promotion of knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences and their applications.

  2. Provide opportunities for researchers in the field to share their findings.

  3. Promote the collaboration and knowledge exchange at the local, regional, and global levels.




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Journal Policy




First: General conditions for submitting a manuscript.

  1. The research work should be original, carry innovation, and observe the relevant scientific methodology.

  2. References must be complete and accurate.

  3. The language of the manuscript must be correct and the text free of typos.

  4. The research must not have been published, or considered for publication elsewhere.

  5. The research work and the manuscript must adhere to the ethics, and comply with the standards considered in its field.

  6. The manuscript must mention all contributors with their respective roles. All contributors have to sign the “application for publication” form.

  7. In the draft submitted for review, there must be no indication to the author identity. Instead, the words author or (authors) should be used.

  8. The manuscript must not exceed 50 A4 pages, including appendices, tables, and references.

  9. The authors must be the sole holders of the intellectual property and the copyrights.


Second: Submission:

  1. The author must submit the manuscript along with all required information and forms through the portal of Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Journals (

  2. Abstracts in Arabic and English must not exceed (250 words).

  3. No more than five (05) relevant keywords must be provided.


Third: Manuscript:

  1. If any, images and graphics must be of a good quality.

  2. A conversion of the Arabic references into Latin scripts (Romanization) must be provided by the author upon acceptance of the article.


  3. The manuscript must include the following sections:

    1. An introduction,

    2. a problem statement,

    3. objectives,

    4. significance of the research,

    5. scope and limitations,

    6. the terminology used in the manuscript,

    7. a consistent literature review,

    8. methodology and procedures,

    9. results and discussion,

    10. conclusion and recommendations.


  1. The references must be in the American Psychological Association (APA 7th edition) style, or put in the footnotes.


  1. Citations must include the authors’ last name, then the year of publication, then the page number in parentheses.


Fourth: Review:

  1. The editorial board reserves the right to reject a manuscript before a referee review. The author is notified of decision no later than (10) working days from the date of submission.

  2. The journal of Humanities and Social Sciences adopts the double-blind review policy. The authors the reviewer identity is kept confidential from each other.

  3. At least two reviewers with a relevant expertise are appointed to examine the manuscript.

  4. The reviewer is expected to reject the request for review in case the research does not fit into his area of expertise.

  5. The reviewer must accept or reject the request for review within five (05) days from the date of request.

  6. In case the two reviewers have divergent opinions about the acceptance of the manuscript for publication, a third reviewer is appointed.


  1. In normal conditions, the review process is expected not to exceed thirty (30) working days from the date of submission.

  2. To be considered for publication, a manuscript is required to obtain a score of at least eighty five (85) from every reviewer.

  3. If so, the author is then required to address the reviewers’ comments withing twenty (20) days from the date of receiving the comments. Otherwise, the editor reserves the right to reject the manuscript.

  4. The author is notified of the final decision of the editor by email and can track the progress of his application in the portal as well.

  5. A reviewer is expected to be neutral and objective avoiding any kind of personal remarks or critics.

  6. In case the reviewer encounters an scientific misconduct such as unjustified quoting without reference, he/she is required to provide a verifiable evidence of such misconduct.


Fifth: Publication:

  1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences remains the exclusive owner of copyrights of all manuscripts it publishes. In case the author decides to publish his work in another container, he is required to obtain a written permission from the editor of the journal.

  2. The author is responsible for preparing the camera-ready version of his manuscript in accordance with the guidelines available at the following link:


  1. The author receives an acceptance letters once all requirements are fulfilled.

  2. Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed in the published articles are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent the view and opinion of Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, and the publication of an article in the the journal of Humanities and Social Sciences does not constitute an endorsement of the university or its affiliates of the content of the article or the author views and opinions. The university hereby disclaims any legal responsibility for the content of the articles.

  3. Articles accepted for publication are made available through the portal of the scientific journals of Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University ( Fo the time being, the journal is not printed.

  4. A copy of issues of the journal is published in the website of Al Imam university while we expect the journal main website to remain available.


Sixth: Scientific Misconduct Policy:

  1. According to the US Office of Research Integrity:

    1. Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

    2. Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.

    3. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences has no tolerance for any of these misconducts.


  1. The editorial board of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences invites anyone who notices a scientific misconduct in any of the research works published in the journal to contact the editor and provide verifiable evidence of his findings.


  1. The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to withdraw the an article if it finds conclusive evidence of scientific misconduct.


  1. Appropriately attributed quotations, must not exceed 20% of the text of the manuscript. Otherwise, the author must provide a justification in the comments during the submission process.


Seventh: Fees

The journal of Humanities and Social Sciences does not charge the author for publication. The review and the publication is free of charge.

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All correspondences should be addressed to

Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Deanship of Scientific Research

Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University




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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.