The Reference to and Utilization of Research and Theory in English Language Teaching in Saudi Arabian Context


  • Dr. Ayed bin Dawi lmuhana English Division Department of Humanities King Khalid Military Academy


The main aim of the present study is to investigate the usage of research and theory in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Saudi boys secondary schools. The study follows the qualitative approach to the research, in which interview is employed as a technique for data collection. The focus of the study is on a group of teachers who teach English in Saudi boys secondary schools. The study reveals that EFL teachers rarely ever refer to language research and theory in their teaching. This is due to the unavailability of materials and resources, related to language learning and teaching, neither in the school libraries nor in the directorates of educational supervisory. The study also reveals that EFL teachers' teaching is essentially based on utilizing their teaching experience and creativity. In addition, it indicates that the resources that the EFL teachers rely on in their teaching are the prescribed textbooks and the teacher's guides as they are the only resources available for them.




