Planning Awareness of Social Workers and Its Relationship to Face Risks encountering prisoners, released persons and their families

A Study Applied to Social Workers in the Committee for the Care of Prisoners, Released Persons and their Families, Tarahum (Compassion)


  • نورة العتيبي جامعة الاميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن


الوعي التخطيطي، المخاطر، الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين، لجنة رعاية السجناء والمفرَج عنهم وأُسَرهم، نظريَّة مجتمع المخاطر.


The study seeks to determine the level of awareness of the social workers in the Tarahum Committee about both risks, and the methodology for confronting the risks to which the study the prisoners, released persons, and their families are exposed. It also aims to develop a proposed vision to raise the level of planning awareness among the specialists to deal with the risks to which the study sample is exposed. Methodology: The study used the social survey approach. Socially, the study population was randomly selected from specialists in the city of Riyadh, Madinah, the Eastern Province, and Jeddah, consisting of 70 individuals who were reached through the branches of the committee. The data was analyzed using the statistical program spss.23. The study relied on the Independent Samples T-Test to reveal the significance of the differences in the responses of the sample members regarding the level of awareness of specialists. The study found that there is a statistically significant relationship at (0.01, 0.05) between specialists’ awareness of risks the prisoners, released persons and their families to which they were subject, and their awareness of planning skills and roles of risk management. It also found that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the responses of sample members due to differences in years of experience in the field of work for the benefit of those with 10-years-or-more experience.




