The 1348 AD/749 AH Plague in the First Mamluk’s Era and its Impact on Different Aspects of Life


  • Dr. Ra`ed Abdulraheem Hassen Department of Arabic Language Faculty Of Humanities An-Najah National University - Nablus - Palestine.


The first Mamluk’s era (648 AH - 784 AH / 1250 AD - 1382 AD)  witnessed many natural disasters  which varied between diseases, earthquakes, droughts, floods, etc. Their impact affected different aspects of life, some of which had a significant effect exceeding the others in that era, especially the plague of 1348 AD/749 AH which invaded the entire world, including the countries of the Arab Orient, Egypt and The Levant. Historians dealt with it extensively, and with the events associated with it and its impact on people's lives. However, a researcher' work in the first Mamluk era has never been thouroughly studied independently in an academic work. It was only discussed briefly in books and research dealing with natural disasters and diseases in the Mamluk era. Hence, the aim of this research is to resolve this shortcoming, and provide a comprehensive picture of the disease and its impact on different aspects of life.

The inductive analytical descriptive approach is used in this research work, in which the material, collected from the relevant academic resources,  is described and analyzed in order to meet the objectives of the study and deal with its topics.




