The effect of Cognitive Learning Styles and the Corresponding Teaching Methods on Master Students Understanding of the Concepts of the Educational Research Methods Course


  • Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Awadh Al-Gharaaybah Department of Psychology College of Education King Saud University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh


cognitive learning style, teaching methods, educational research methods


This study aims at exploring the effect of cognitive learning styles and the corresponding teaching methods on master students understanding of the concepts of the "Educational Research Methods" course at King Saud University. The two domains of cognitive learning styles and concept understanding are used as tools to achieve the aims of the study.To ensure that both tools are appropriate for the measured attribute characteristics, validity and reliability coefficients are calculated. The study sample consists of 60 master students registered in the "Educational Research Methods" course. They are divided into four equal experimental groups (15 students per group). The study findings show that master students perception of educational research methods course concepts based on teaching methods is in favor of the group preferring manual work (B Procedural) and the method of direct presentation (A  external) in their teachings. However, the findings regarding post-experimentcomparisons of participants perception dimensions of educational research methods course concepts based on teaching methods are as follows: as for attitude towards active learning, the significant difference is in favor of participants preferring manual work (B Procedural), followed by the method of direct presentation (A external). As for searching for information, evaluating skills and applying knowledge, the significant difference is in favor of the participants preferring manual work (B Procedural), followed by the method of direct presentation (A external).  




